Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Mommy, I love you"....

The sweetest words any Mommy will ever hear and that will melt your heart forever.... My son had his sweet little arms around my neck today when he quietly said those words in my ear. Shivers went down my arms, and the little hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I hope he always feels like that, and I know that I never want to forget that sweet little voice, and those sweet little hands. I am almost tearing up now, but I know that one day his little voice will be deeper and his little arms; not so little anymore. Hopefully he will remember the days of cuddling all day in our pj's watching cartoons, and eating ice cream for lunch just because we want to, or when he closes his eyes, maybe he will remember the smell of my shampoo or my perfume, and have this overwhelming calm.... I love my kids so much, I just wish that there were the perfect words to tell them so they would never doubt it, or never forget it. When we grow up, things tend to not stay so innocent and young, and I know that my boys will become young men one day, and that I will have to "cut the apron strings" so to say, but will they remember the little things that I remember? Will they even be important to them? Wondering what their fondest memories will be, and hoping for all eternity that it was me.... loving them....

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